Private Coaching for Attorneys

Grow Your Business While Minimizing Marketing Efforts

Marketing your law practice can be challenging, expensive, and frustrating. Imagine having a plan to bring in ideal clients that energize you and that you do your best work with. Is this possible? Absolutely!!! J2 Marketing helps attorneys grow their book of business with ideal clients. We do this by creating a foundation (branding/messaging to a target market), strategies that are based on your strength, and holding you accountable for growing your practice and doing it ethically. This allows attorneys to be more confident about their marketing…which leads to more money, more time, and more ideal clients.

Here are some other benefits that attorneys get from working with J2 Marketing:

J2 Marketing Consultants offer individual marketing counsel for lawyers looking to grow their practice. Our expertise will guide you in the direction that your practice is designed to succeed in, allowing you to obtain these benefits and more.

Click the link below to schedule a call with Gary Johnson, and let’s explore whether an engagement would be highly beneficial for you.

Want to learn more? Contact us!

We want to help you increase your confidence, spend less time on business development and marketing, and make more money with ideal clients. Contact us and let’s see if we are a good fit!